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“HAPPY VALENTINE´S DAY” “Valentine´s Day Meditation and Prayers” Saint Valentine`s Day is celebrated on February 14. It is the day of expressing love and affection. On this day,near and dear ones usually express their love for one another by presenting flowers, candies, sweets, and sending greeting cards. Valentine`s Day is symbolized by the shape of    Read More…

Who am I and what is My True Nature? My True Nature is Sat Chit Ananda Anger is not my true nature; my true nature is Sat Chit Ananda Hatred is not my true nature; my true nature is Sat Chit Ananda Resentment is not my true nature; my true nature is Sat Chit Ananda    Read More…

“Who is Arjuna, who is Lord Krishnaand what is Gita” Arjuna is body, mind and Lord Krishna is Spirit Arjuna is jivatma and Lord Krishna is Parmatama Arjuna is disciple and Lord Krishna is Guru Arjuna is attachment and Lord Krishna is Detachment Arjuna is dilemma and Lord Krishna is Decision Arjuna is depression and    Read More…

Gita is the Song of God Sung by Lord Krishna for us to singe very moment of our life Gita is a Royal Road to Liberation Gita is a Guide to the Art of Right Living Gita is a Spiritual Instruction Manual to operate our Life Gita is a Answer to Every Question Gita is    Read More…

“Geeta Jayanti” Gita Jayanti is the day when Lord Krishna enlightened Arjuna with the holy teaching of Bhagavad Gita. It was an extraordinary juncture, just before the great war of Mahabharata, when extraordinary warrior Arjuna became dejected and confused, and asked Lord Krishna for His guidance. Through extraordinary divine dialogue, Lord Krishna explained Arjuna the    Read More…

The Ultimate Purpose of Life and Gita “What is the purpose of my life? What do I want? Why am here?” Many of us ask ourselves these questions at some point during our lives. Answers could be many but one thing is for sure everybody wants to be happy and live peacefully. The best way    Read More…

My Questions & God’s Answers is a practical spiritual guide to attain Eternal Happiness, Peace and Anandam. The book is for anyone who is facing challenges in his life due to health, finances, relationships, business or emotions. This robs our happiness and peace and finally reduces the quality of our day to day life. Are    Read More…

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