Praise for My questions and God’s Answers
Ever since I was a teenager, I wanted to learn about my religion and culture, but couldn’t find the right sources of knowledge. I bought several translations of the Gita, but could not understand or relate to these. They were either too esoteric or biased. What Satya has produced is a gem. The book “My questions and God’s Answer’s” preserves the original concepts and presents these in a way that anyone can understand.
Vivek Wadhwa, Director of Research, Pratt School of Engineering,
Duke University and Senior Research Associate, Harvard Law School
I had the privilege to go through “My questions and God’s Answers” work on Bhagvad Gita, written by Satya Kalra. Though several commentaries on Gita are available but the work by Satya has impressed me the most, because it is for the first time someone has taken the character of Arjuna as oneself and has put the questions on ones behalf. In no doubt Krishna is the Lord Himself, so the answers have come from God within oneself. The work is successful in exposing the spirit of Gita, “Absolute devotion to the cause oneself without any thought of personal reward or appreciation.” I am sure the work will enlighten the life of many seekers in the modern world and will bring physical, mental and spiritual love, peace and bliss.
Shankaracharyaji Swami Divyanand Teerthji
“Satya Kalra’s annotations of the verses of the Bhagavad-gita, in an easy-to-understand question and answer form, are simple expositions of her realizations and experiences in living out the message of Bhagavad Gita. She has brilliantly threaded the entire exposition around the personality of limitlessly brilliant and loving Lord Krishna Himself without merely impersonally extracting the secret message of peace and eternal happiness by leaving behind the very source, the centerpin, of Gita. She has succeeded in churning out from Gita a blueprint, to a great extent practical, for a peaceful, happy and united global community through self-transformation. Satya Kalra has earned the valuable divine credit of being an instrument in this by her intelligent work of devotion to Godhead, Krishna. May Lord Krishna open higher and higher divine doors of secrets of existence to her.”
Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman, The Akshaya Patra Foundation and
President, ISKCON-Bangalore