Discover who you truly are and how to overcome all of your limitation. Let us help you evolve, expand your consciousness, and live a life you love, desire and deserve. At Path to Anandam, we offer you simple, proven, practical techniques that will help you transform yourself by replacing your negative thoughts and emotions with Read More…

The Secret of Self-Transformation How to Change Your Behavior One Step at a Time Have you ever tried to change a behavior or habit, only to find yourself disappointed and dissatisfied when you weren’t successful? Do not worry, you are not alone. I was one of you. I had undisciplined eating habits. Fortunately, I was Read More…

Dear Path to Anandam Friends, Namaste! Please come and join us for International Geeta Conference and celebration of 115th birthday anniversary of our Most Revered Shri 1008 Swami Hariharji Maharaj on March 24-27, 2013 in Geeta Dham, Jodhpur, India The Theme for the conference is “How to control your mind though the teachings of the Read More…
Dear Path to Anandam Friends, Happy New Year 2013 New Year Greetings and Meditation The New Year of 2013 calls us with many promises, but we should not forget to give the year 2012 its due. As Albert Einstein says, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” With each progressing year, we find Read More…
Dear Path to Anandam Friends, Namaste! Path to Anandam is pleased to announce the release of a new book, “Yoga Beyond Asana…the Complete Guide for Blissful Life”,which joins our family of the Path to Anandam Pocket Book Series by Satya Kalra. March 1, 2012 “Yoga Beyond Asana…” made its debut at the International Yoga Festival Read More…
Dear Path to Anandam Friends, Part 2 of two parts of Interactive Blog – Find Your True Purpose of Life and Your Bliss In our previous post we talked about what we could resolve to do in the New Year to find our true path and our Bliss. You might be asking, “How do Read More…
Dear Path to Anandam Friends, Welcome to our Interactive blog We are embarking on creating our interactive blog for Path to Anandam, posting articles relevant to our spiritual mission and including you by inviting your feedback and comments on our weekly posts. We welcome your input and look forward to interacting with you through our Read More…