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“Father’s Day is the day to appreciate all the contribution your father has made to your life.” Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June and was first observed in Fairmont, West Virginia on July 5, 1908 in honor of 210 fathers who had perished in the Monogah Mining disaster on December 6,    Read More…

Dear Path to Anandam Friends, Namaste! Path to Anandam is pleased to announce the release of a new book, “Yoga Beyond Asana…the Complete Guide for Blissful Life”,which joins our family of the Path to Anandam Pocket Book Series by Satya Kalra. March 1, 2012 “Yoga Beyond Asana…” made its debut at the International Yoga Festival    Read More…

Dear Friends and Path to Anandam supporters “Happy Navratri/Nav Durga” “Mother Goddess the symbol of Pure Love, Pure Energy and Divine Light (Jyoti)” It is the time to honor the Mother Goddess and celebrate Navratri, Nav-Durga (Nine days of Mother Goddess) (March.23.2012- March.31.2012) The festival is celebrated for nine days all over India and many    Read More…

Dear Path to Anandam Friends,   Part 2 of two parts of Interactive Blog – Find Your True Purpose of Life and Your Bliss In our previous post we talked about what we could resolve to do in the New Year to find our true path and our Bliss. You might be asking, “How do    Read More…

Dear Path to Anandam Friends, Welcome to our Interactive blog We are embarking on creating our interactive blog for Path to Anandam, posting articles relevant to our spiritual mission and including you by inviting your feedback and comments on our weekly posts. We welcome your input and look forward to interacting with you through our    Read More…

Dear Path to Anandam Friends, Happy New Year New Year Greetings and Meditation The New Year of 2012 calls us with many promises, but we should not forget to give the year 2011 its due. As Albert Einstein says, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” With each progressing year, we find ourselves    Read More…

Spiritually Empowered Woman The spiritually empowered woman, she is enriched with inner strength and self-esteem.   As she has rediscovered herself though awakening her consciousness, she knows   how to move through the world with power and grace.   She knows now her worth and her divine qualities; she is the planet of faith.      Read More…

“When your body and mind are relaxed, stress and worry cannot come near you.” The holiday season is upon us and many of us will run ourselves ragged attempting to pull off the perfect party or find the ultimate gift. The stress and worry over these annual rituals often lead us to neglect ourselves. We    Read More…

When we are worried, our minds spin out of control, often creating “worst-case scenarios” that in a calm state we know would NEVER happen. The heart races, breathing becomes shallow and heavy and we panic. Sometimes we might try to distract ourselves with shopping, eating junk food, or worse habits of smoking or drinking; all    Read More…

Dear Path to Anandam Friends, New Release Announcement “Prosperity Forever, Through Art of work” (e Book ) ISBN: 978-81-909522-0-0 Path to Anandam is pleased to announce that we have added a new pocket book, “Prosperity Forever, Through Art of work” to our family of Path to Anandam series by Satya Kalra. Prosperity Forever is a    Read More…

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