Danville, CA -Self-transformation, happiness, and women’s empowerment coach Satya Kalra has done it again! On the heels of her success with My Questions and God’s Answers and 108 Mantras to Awaken Your Soul, Kalra has seen two more of her books race up the Amazon bestseller charts.
Kalra’s inspirational books Enjoy Worry-Free Life in 30 Days and Lasting Forever: Birth, Death, and Beyond climbed the Amazon charts to become bestsellers.
My Questions & God’s Answers Climbs Amazon Bestseller List
It has been an eventful summer! In just the past 30 days, five of our founder, Satya Kalra’s, books have become Amazon bestsellers! Many thanks to all of you those have downloaded eBooks or bought hard copies. Since all the proceeds from Satya’s books go directly to Path to Anandam’s charitable work, you have helped to make a difference in so many lives.
108 MANTRAS TO AWAKEN YOUR SOUL Climbs Amazon Bestseller List
Danville, CA – Three-time international bestselling author and personal transformation coach Satya Kalra’s has done it again! Last month, Kalra’s inspirational book Prosperity Forever: Through Art of Work climbed the Amazon charts to become a national bestseller in Kindle digital format in just days. Now, her latest work, 108 MANTRAS TO AWAKEN YOUR SOUL became an Amazon bestseller before the posting is even completed!
Danville, CA – Satya Kalra’s inspirational book Prosperity Forever: Through Art of Work climbed the Amazon charts to become a national bestseller in Kindle digital format. Even more impressively, Prosperity Forever reached this milestone in just two days!
Prosperity Forever encourages readers to find their true prosperity by looking within and claiming their birthright to abundance, happiness, and blissful living. Blending timeless wisdom from India with inspiring quotes, know how of righteous action, and her own insights, Satya Kalra takes her readers on a 30-day inner journey to find the confidence to move past roadblocks to an abundant and self-fulfilling life – life that has purpose.
August Newsletter
We hope this message finds you well! It’s been a busy spring and summer, with many workshops and appearances, as well as some travel and writing. Through it all, we’ve been sending you love and peaceful thoughts, and wishing you the best. Here are some highlights from the last few months.
“Join us on at Sevathon and BE THE HOPE of many!”(July, 3rd 2013)
“The Path to Anandam team is really excited to invite you to Sevathon-2013, a walkathon event organized by India Community Center). This is our first year running in Sevathon, a humble effort to raise awareness for Path to Anandam, an organization helping in the recovery efforts after the devastating flooding in Northern India.”
“summary of my trips and activities. ”(June, 14th 2013)
“You must be wondering what I’ve been up to! Though I’ve been communicating with you through our Facebook and Twitter, it has been a while since my last newsletter.”
“Please come and join us for International Geeta Conference and celebration of 115th birthday anniversary of our Most Revered Shri 1008 Swami Hariharji Maharaj on March 24–27, 2013 in Geeta Dham, Jodhpur, India ”(March, 19th 2013)
“You will have an opportunity to learn and listen to special divine lectures offered by experts from all over the world on the teachings of the Bhagavad Geeta as well as revered saints, from whom you will also receive blessings.”
“Please come and join us to World famous International Yoga Festival on March 1–7, 2013 at the Banks of Ganga, Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India. ”(February 25, 2013)
“Don’t miss this special opportunity to learn the sacred and ancient science and art of yoga in its birthplace, the Himalayas and experience the most unforgettable divine experience of your life.”
“Invitation to the 1st World Parliament on Spirituality ”(December 13, 2012)
“THE COSMIC PARTY BEGINS……! on the most powerful week of the millennium
Come join the 1st World Parliament on Spirituality scheduled on 17-21 Dec 2012 at Hyderabad ( INDIA), in the wonderful journey to self-discovery. By deepening our awareness to the power of self, we are reminded of the greatest gift we can give ourselves: the freedom to be who we are. And be a part of creating United, Secure and Peaceful world for yourself, your children and others.”
“Invitation to the 1st World Parliament on Spirituality ”(December 4, 2012)
“THE COSMIC PARTY BEGINS……!on the most powerful week of the millennium
Come join the 1st World Parliament on Spiritualityscheduled on 17-21 Dec 2012 at Hyderabad (INDIA), in the wonderful journey to self-discovery. By deepening our awareness to the power of self, we are reminded of the greatest gift we can give ourselves:the freedom to be who we are. And be a part of creating United, Secure and Peaceful world for yourself, your children and others.”
“Yoga Beyond Asana…the Complete Guide for Blissful Life ”(May 1, 2012)
“Path to Anandam is pleased to announce the release of a new book, “Yoga Beyond Asana…the Complete Guide for Blissful Life”,which joins our family of the Path to Anandam Pocket Book Series by Satya Kalra.”
“Our team of Path to Anandam would like to share our latest news and activities ”(March 27, 2012)
“Rishikesh, India (Feb 25-28, 2012) – The four days’ workshop was given at the Banks of Ganga, Parmarth Niketan Ashram by Satya Kalra on (How to Perform the Ultimate Yoga though Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita)”
“We would like to invite you to the following UPCOMING events at the Holy Banks of Ganga, Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India ”(February 20, 2012)
“Perform the Ultimate Yoga though Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita by Satya Kalra, the author of “My Questions and God’s Answers”
“We are pleased to announce that all of our books are also available to purchase in e-Books format.”(November 14, 2011)
“Path to Anandam Participates in 6th Annual Hindu Mandir Executive Conference (HMEC)”
“New Release Annoucement. (Prosperity Forever, Through Art of work)”(Sepetember 15, 2011)
“Path to Anandam is pleased to announce that we have added a new pocket book, “Prosperity Forever, Through Art of work”to our family of Path to Anandam series by Satya Kalra.”
“Videos to help you move forward in your spiritual journey.” (September 7th, 2011 )
As many of you have requested the video of Forgiveness and Friendship Day from May 29th program at our home, we have finally uploaded the video on our site and YOU TUBE. Below is the link.
“Our team of Path to Anandam would like to share our latest news and activities” (April , 2011 )
“Very Happy and Prosperous New Year” (January , 2011 )
We had a great year and want to thank you for your kind support and encouragement for 2010.
Path To Anandam Newsletter (October 21st, 2010)
Path To Anandam (PTA) Responds to Wall Street Journal’s Flippant Blog on KarvaChauth”