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Gita Jayanti is the day when Lord Krishna enlightened Arjuna with the holy teaching of Bhagavad Gita. It was an extraordinary juncture, just before the great war of Mahabharata, when extraordinary warrior Arjuna became dejected and confused, and asked Lord Krishna for His guidance.

Through extraordinary divine dialogue, Lord Krishna explained Arjuna the meaning of Karma Yoga and how he can attain the purpose of life by performing his prescribed duty and following his Dharma (Righteousness). He uplifted Arjuna from confusion and dejection state of mind (Lower-self) into Self-realized (Higher-Self) through step by step spiritual journey.

The Gita’s teachings transformed Arjuna from, “I will not perform my duty and fight the battle” to “I will do as you advised”(2.09,18.73).It took Arjuna, gradually, from Vishad, confusion and dejection until he says, “my doubts are dispelled, I have regained the memory of Self-Knowledge and I do as you have advised to fulfill my responsibility and establish the righteousness.”

The immortal message of the Gita (Universal Truth) was not only imparted to Arjuna for a specific condition and situation but also for then tire mankind, based upon the eternal condition so human nature. All people in this world face similar issues and go through similar confusions and emotions through out their lives, and look for guidance.
The teachings of the Gita apply to today’s man with a modern lifestyle (young and old, housewife to professional) and all types of people with different personalities. They are applicable in every field and every situation of life from family to global and from personal to business. Since the Gita is the voice of Lord Krishna, it has the miraculous ability to give readers the true meaning of what they are searching for.

The message of the Gita is as relevant for people living in India and the West to day as it was for the people of India more than 5000 years ago. It is as relevant for Hindus as for people of all other religions. It each as Hindu show to be better Hindus, but it also teaches Muslims to be better Muslims, Christians to be better Christians, and Jews to be better Jews.

In summary, the Gita teaches us how to apply its teaching in our lives, full fill our daily responsibilities, remove our doubts and confusions, enhance the quality of our life; and attain everlasting Peace, Prosperity and Anandam (Ultimate Bliss).

“The Gita is a step by step spiritual practical instruction manual for our daily life”

“I am sure that those who read and truly implement the teachings in this “Song of God” will be touched, taught and transformed, and they will find that deep peace to which Bhagawan Krishna’s message leads.” –Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati (Parmarth, Rishikesh)

Note: Part of the text is taken from the book “My questions and God’s Answers” The guide to Eternal, Happiness, Peace and Anandam (BHAGAVAD GITA) by Satya kalra. For details please visit

You are welcome to download chapter 12 of Bhagavad Gita from our website that is taken from the book “My questions and God’s Answers”

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