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New Year Greetings and Meditation
The New Year of 2012 calls us with many promises, but we should not forget to give the year 2011 its due. As Albert Einstein says, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”With each progressing year, we find ourselves developing more self-awareness and self-confidence, gain more experiences, and become wiser. That’s the gift of the New Year.The team of Path to Anandam wishes you and your loved ones …

Happy heart with full of love
Anxiety free and Anandam in life
Peace within mind
Positivness and prosperity forever
Yoga with pranayam and meditation for 40 minutes each day

No complains and noble qualities
Equanimity and everything you need
Wisdom when face the unknown

Years of blissful life
Enjoy family, friends and life to the fullest
Apath that leads to beautiful tomorrow
Rember all the good things happen, let every imperfection of the past go…

Let’s light the candle, fold our hands together, sit quietly, close our eyes, fix the mind on the light of candle, and thank and pray together to God for His Courage and Guidanceto live pious and happy life.

May 2012 bring good health, peace & prosperity
to you and your loved ones !!!

The Path to Anandam Team

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