Prosperity Forever
Today, everyone wants to be prosperous, rich and famous. Contrary to what we may believe, prosperity is available to everyone; we all have a birthright and potential to become prosperous. However, in order to become prosperous, we must understand what prosperity really means. What prevent us from attaining it? How can one become prosperous?
Prosperity does not mean only materialistic things such as money, possessions, big cars, big homes, big saving accounts and big titles. Many of us experience some or all of these, but not at all times. These things are only temporary, they come and go. However, Eternal Prosperity (that is, prosperity not affected by external factors) will remain forever–this is a life that has a purpose, and is full of satisfaction, happiness, and peace.
But this leads to another question: how does one become prosperous and also attain Eternal Prosperity, maintaining it forever?
The Bhagavad Gita is a spiritual guide and timeless wisdom from India which answers all of these questions and also guides us, step-by-step, in the process of attaining Eternal Prosperity, maintaining it, and keeping it forever through the Art of Work (Righteous action). The Bhagavad Gita teaches us how to work and fulfill our responsibilities righteously, and feel self-satisfied and self-fulfilled – these are the keys to a Prosperous life. I owe it all to the Bhagavad Gita.
Therefore, based upon the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and my personal experiences, I have prepared this pocket book (Anandam guide), Prosperity Forever… through the Art of Work, which I would like to share with you.
The book will guide you, step-by-step, how to fulfill your dream of becoming prosperous forever through the art of work (Righteous action). It will also help you to identify your strengths, the type of life style that you will enjoy the most, and the type of work that is most suited for your personality.
The pocket book with color graphics and illustrations has 30 simple and easy tips/points which can be practiced each day to attain Everlasting Prosperity and Peace. It addresses questions such as:
- What is prosperity and success?
- Who is prosperous and successful?
- What prevents one from being successful and prosperous?
- How do I become prosperous?
- What are my responsibilities (duties)?
- How do I fulfill my responsibilities righteously?
- Why am I performing this action?
- How will this action help me attain Eternal Prosperity?
- Will this action increase my ego, attachment, greed, and selfish desires?
- Will it bring serenity to my mind or disturb it?
- Will it enhance my Eternal Happiness and Peace?
You will also learn to develop self-awareness, self-satisfaction, and self-fulfillment. This is the key to Eternal Happiness, a Peaceful and Prosperous life.
I earnestly hope that this Anandam guide, “Prosperity Forever, Through Art of work” will help you as much it has helped and guided me in identifying your duties and fulfilling them righteously through the Art of work.
The focus of the book, “Prosperity Forever, Through Art of work” is to PRACTICE and APPLY the tips in daily life. To avail the maximum benefit, a Daily Spiritual Planer has been provided in the back of the book.